Abby Silverman

Abby Silverman

Q: What was your teenage style like?

A: My teenage style was really embarrassing. I followed a lot of different weird trends from butterfly clips to those weird tube socks. I used to shop at Zootopia Unlimited too, which is also very embarrassing. And then I moved on to Abercrombie. So there was a whole lot of interesting things happening.

Q: What was your favorite scarf memory?

A: My favorite scarf memory is from when I was at brunch with my husband and his grandma Dot Roberts and I complimented her on her really cute black and white polka dotted scarf and she took it off and gave it to me. So it's really special.

Q: What's the most unusual way you've worn a scarf?

A: There are a lot of unusual ways I've worn scarves. This past summer I wore a lot of scarves as swimsuit cover ups. On my honeymoon this past January or December slash January, I wore them in my hair. I wear them on my purse and on my wrist. So I feel like there's a lot of fun ways you can incorporate scarves into your style.

Q: What is the best part of your job?

A: I would say the best part of my job is that I get to be creative every day and then I get to work with amazingly talented people. I also love leading a team and being able to create amazing content for one of the biggest women's media brands in the world.

Q: What is your guilty pleasure?

A: My guilty pleasure is Momofuku milk bar. It's really good. The cake balls are delicious.

Q: Are you a print or solid kind of girl?

A: I'm a print and solid girl. I feel like you can't be one or the other. I like both. I feel like it adds to your original style and I like to mix prints and solids.

Q: What is advice that you would give your 21-year-old self?

A: …that you don't have to have your exact path figured out. I think each life experience or internship or job opportunity leads to something else and you learn from each thing and you take that to the next.

Q: Who would you have at your dream dinner party?

A: Okay. Who would I have at my dream dinner party. My dream dinner party, I would want really iconic people that none of us have really had the chance to meet. So Andy Warhol, Princess Diana, I would want Oprah, Michelle Obama. Who else would I want there? And probably Cardi B too cause I think she's really funny.

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